When planning a website, your domain name is one of the first things your visitors will encounter. Even if it’s not exactly the same as your organisation’s name, it will be inextricably linked with it, and for that reason, your domain name will be one of your key brand assets. Therefore, it’s important to choose it carefully.  When it comes to the internet there is a lot to think about so if you’re looking for experts in the field of content, marketing and domains why not look to a SEO Belfast agency to help you. 

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According to https://hostingfacts.com/internet-facts-stats-2016/ Hosting Facts, as many as one-third of British consumers choose where they shop based on the reputation of the brand name of that store, and online it is no different.

Keeping it simple

A short, memorable and easy-to-type name using letters only, will encourage internet users to visit your site. …