Tag: Office

Make Moving Into a New Office a Breeze With These Tips

As your business sees more and more success, growing your company is a given. Of course, it isn’t always easy to figure out the best way to expand your business. Moving into a new office is sensible when you’re planning on hiring new people or require more space to work with. Naturally, this can be a stressful experience. Make the entire ordeal a lot easier on yourself by following these suggestions.

Take Stock

Moving is a headache because plenty of people kid themselves when it comes to what needs to be accomplished before stepping foot in a new space. No matter how little stuff you believe will require transportation from the old office to the new, you most likely have at least double what you assume. The best way to begin a move is by looking around your current space and taking stock of each and every item that will need …

Why the Cubicle is Still the Best Option for Your Office

In recent years, there has been a lot of debate around whether using cubicles or creating an open floor plan in the office is the best way to boost workflow. And while there are many cheerleaders for open concept floor plans, the cubicle remains the best tool for optimal productivity.

Proximity and Privacy

Cubicles are a great balance of semi-private seating and maintaining close proximity to one’s colleagues. While open floor plans are celebrated for their ease of connection and collaboration, cubicles offer the same ease with a touch of personal space. Not all employees work well in a more extroverted, interactive office layout. But with the right cubicle set up, every employee has the opportunity to mingle and combine forces while also being able to focus in on their own work in their own space when needed.

Personalization and Productivity

Another great thing about cubicles is the opportunity they provide …

What to Include in Your Office Relocation Letter to Your Employees

When a company is contemplating a move to a new office space keeping employees informed each step of the way is important. Once the company has decided to make the move and the search for the right space begins in earnest it’s advisable to involve employees. An official letter should be sent to them as well even though they are participating in the move.

Employees need to be reassured and put at ease over the proposed move and sending an internal office relocation letter is the best way to address their concerns.

Offer Reassurance

This can be an exciting time it can also be the cause of a lot of stress for your employees. The company may have all the information regarding the move but employees can have some real concerns that need to be addressed. From an increase in commute time to fears about job loss are just a …

What Kind Of Things Should You Include In Your Home Office Space?

Many people find it hard to comprehend how to start and run a home based business. Understand, home business is easier than you might think. One good way to understand what you may be getting yourself into is finding good ideas, like the tips in this article.

If you often entertain clients with dining out or other activities, remember that you can deduct expenses like these from your taxable income. Any such costs are generally viewed as necessary and legitimate business expenses. Remember, these meetings must pertain to work and are with viable clients or potential clients, otherwise, they cannot be allowed as a tax deduction.

A great money making tip is to provide lessons in your area of expertise. A lot of people prefer to take lessons privately instead of through a school with rigid schedules. You could, for instance, teach art or music from home.

If you want …