Accidents and illness can occur in the workplace at any given moment, so it is crucial that steps are taken to boost first aid in the workplace. This could save lives, so it is vital that the employer assesses their current arrangements and makes and necessary changes.

Unfortunately, accidents and illness can happen in the workplace at any given moment. Fast and efficient medical attention can be the difference between life and death and also stop any small injuries from becoming major ones. Therefore, it is crucial that, as the employer, you ensure that your workplace has adequate first aid arrangements. This will depend on the industry that you are in and what the dangers are, but there are a few things that all employers should do to increase the safety of everybody onsite.


Appointed person

Firstly, your office should have an “appointed person”. This individual is responsible for stocking the first aid box, calling an ambulance and finding a first aider (more below). You may also want this individual trained in first aid.

First Aider

A first aider will be responsible for carrying out first aid in the workplace. They will have attended (and passed) a Health and Safety Executive training course, ensuring that they know how to react in case of an emergency. Some employers like to have their entire staff trained in first aid.

First Aid Box

Your first aid box must always be fully stocked and easily accessible. What it contains will depend on your industry, but typically it should include sterile plasters, sterile eye pads, bandages, safety pins, wound dressings and latex gloves.


If you operate out of large premises or you work in a particularly hazardous environment, you may need a room dedicated to first aid with a range of facilities. The room may require somewhere for the individual to lay down, drinking water, a running sink, a store for materials, soap and towels and it must always be kept clean.


A first aid sign can quickly communicate to people important information. These signs are particularly important if members of the public are onsite during working hours. These signs may be used to identify first aid stations, emergency telephones, emergency call points and eye wash stations.


You must also provide every member of your team with information on the first aid arrangements that you have in place. This will involve telling them who the first aider and appointed person is, where the first aid kit is located, how they should respond to an incident and allow them to ask any questions that they might have.

These are the key steps that all employers must take to promote health and safety in their company. It is unfortunate, but incidents do occur in the workplace that requires immediate medical care. The speed and efficiency that this care is delivered with could help to save lives and stop minor injuries from becoming major, so it is extremely important to address.

First Aids are lifesavers in every emergency situation. Education must be provided to every member of the team on the first aid arrangements you have in place. To know more, visit

By Alex