BEE is not just simply a case of being economically rewarded just because of the colour of your skin
BEE is not just simply a case of being economically rewarded just because of the colour of your skin. This is just one portion of what makes up the total score. It does not mean that just because you are not black that you will then be disadvantaged with your scorecard. There are other factors that come into play as well. The whole concept can be pretty intimidating for someone who does not have a solid understanding of it, therefore in these cases it is necessary to bring in a BEE consulting business. In fact, any business that wants to become accredited should utilize the services of a BEE consulting firm. Let us look at some of the other factors counted towards a BEE score. Skills development is an important aspect of BEE. Because of being disadvantaged, many black people did not have the opportunity to gain training and knowledge …