Cable TV vs. Streaming Services: What Are The Pros And Cons?
Depending on the age group you speak to, they will have a different answer on which entertainment choice is better. The younger crowd who are used to the fast-paced technologically advanced nature of today’s world will most likely say streaming is the way to go. The older generations however still prefer the old school entertainment source: an affordable cable TV provider.
It is understandable to have your preference, but for some, it is still a debate on which of the two is better. To help those who are on the fence, here’s a handy comparison of cable and streaming services:
Streaming Services
The Pros:
Streaming services are a relatively new way to watch programs on demand. All you need is access to the internet and a streaming website like Netflix and you have hundreds upon hundreds of show you can binge watch whenever you want. You can also link this …