Month: March 2020

Filling in for a Sick Secretary

Things have really changed at my company because of the virus outbreak. My secretary actually contracted the virus after taking a trip to Italy with her husband. Everyone at the office was worried about her health and hoped that she would get well soon. These are scary times, and everyone is hoping that no one will get the virus, but when you’re dealing with something that’s microscopic and can be passed around easily from person to person, anything can happen. While my secretary was recovering, I hired a corporate secretary from a firm to take her place.

The secretary did a great job of covering all of the tasks that my normal secretary would handle. For a while, business went on like usual. I had meeting with clients, everyone in the office was doing their part, and things were running like a well oiled machine. Unfortunately, this return to normalcy …

Out with the Old, in with the New

I’m a pretty easy going boss, and I don’t like to fire anyone, but I had to recently. My secretary was a nice person, but she wasn’t that great at her job. She would misplace things, her typing speed was too slow, and she would make a lot of errors. I told her many times that she would have to improve, but she never did. The mistakes that the secretary made also affected the work of the other employees. I had to replace the secretary using corporate secretarial services in Singapore to find a new one.

The secretary had been with the company for a couple of years, and she was much better at her job when she first started working for me. I don’t know what happened to make her worse at her job, but her decline was so noticeable and there was nothing I could do except to …

The Benefits of Stainless Steel Doors

It is critical for people to think about the doors they use on their buildings. Sure, there are lots of doors to choose from. Almost any set of doors might look like they will fit the style of the building; however, those who are looking to set themselves apart from the competition should take the time to inspect the doors closely and decide which set of doors is going to work the best. Doors are an important part of the impression the building creates. One popular option is stainless steel doors. There are a few benefits people should keep in mind.

The Security of Stainless Steel Doors

One of the most important reasons why people decide to go with stainless steel doors is the security they provide. While there are lots of factors to consider when someone is looking for doors for a building, security is one of the most …

How to Grow Your Career as an HD Mechanic

The mining industry continues to thrive in Australia. Thus, heavy diesel or HD mechanic jobs also continue to be in demand. When you secure a HD mechanic job through a trusted mining recruitment agency, you won’t just receive a sizeable salary – up to $200,000 in some positions – but you’ll also have the option to salary sacrifice your remuneration package.

If you’ve been working an HD mechanic job for a while now, it’s a great time to take the next step and grow your career. Below are some points to consider as you work to advance in your chosen field.

Career Progression of an HD Mechanic

HD mechanics are tasked with the diagnosis, repair, and maintenance of machinery. These include farming and construction equipment like bulldozers, cranes, and graders. In the mining services, these pieces of machinery include excavators, earth-moving equipment, rock dusters, transport trucks and more. It’s …